Alissa has been playing non stop to be her best for tryouts, but then the day of tryouts she froze. She forze infront of everyone, including coach lea. Tryouts had to continue. After everyone left coach lea called over Alissa. "What happened?" Coach asked with curiously. "Honestly I don't know." "Well show be now" coach requested. "What do you want to see?" Alissa stood there wondering. "Why don't we just pass for now. Is that ok?" So the two stayed after practice and passed ran plays and did what ever Alissa knew how to do. And coach tought her things to. They stayed for and extra five hours. Practicing. Just practicing.
So the next day coach put up the roster. Alissa was really nervous. Taylor and Alissa went to to look at the roster and they were extremely surprised. "Yeah I made JV" Taylor said with joy. Alissa was sad she didn't find her name on the JV or freshman list. They were about to walk away before coach lea stopped Alissa and said "great job I'm so proud of you" "For what?" She said with confusion. "Check the list again." Coach said with happiness. As Alissa checked again she was scrolling down all three of the lists she found her name. Not on the freshman team. Not on the JV team.
"Varsity! I made varsity!" Alissa said with complete joy and not able to comprehend what had just come out of her mouth. "Wait how you froze?" Taylor was questioning coach leas thought. "I stayed after practice and she said that she would help Mr and actually see what I was able to do. Which turned out to be a lot I guess." Alissa said feeling excepted by her coach and her team. After the two girls found out about Alissas great achievement Taylor however felt cheated and not put up to the challenges that she could do amazing things. So Taylor was a little upset that she didn't make Varsity but she couldn't say that to Alissa it was her moment. It was her time to be happy. She coudln't ruin it for her.
So in two days they had their first game of the season Taylor had hers first because she was on JV. Alissa was after. Taylor played center and she was good to but not varsity good. That thought kept running through her head. I'm not good enough for varsity. I'm not good enough for anything she would think to herself. Alissa knew something was wrong but she didn't know what and Taylor wouldn't tell her. She said it was no big deal.
The season was almost over. Everyone was sad about lacrosse ending. Something was still wrong with Taylor but she wouldnt tell. Taylor just told her to consentrate on lacrosse. So she did. The last game of the season was coming up and everyone was preparing. Freshman JV and of course varisty they needed to the game was against one of the hardest teams. Longmedow. It was game day everyone was nervous except Alissa. She was ready she knew she was. They finally arrives at the field and coach lea was looking for Sammy one of the best centers on varsity. No one could find her anywhere. After an hour of searching coach lea ran up to Taylor and pulled her over to the group. "Ok girls today is the day. Are you ready? I hope you all are." Coach Lea said. Wait what am I doing here this is varsity?" Taylor sounded confused. "This is where you belong. This is where you should be." Coach said. Taylor looked up at coach then Alissa then back to coach. "NO WAY!" Taylor yelled with excitement in her voice. "Lets win this girls. We have to. I know we can. I know." Coach said. "What should we say?" Alissa asked coach "team?" Coach asking the team. "I have an idea. You Count and on three I got it." Taylor said with a smirk on her face. Alissa start the count" coach said. "Ready guys?" "Ok one two.." "Wait wait" Taylor rushed to say before the number three came out of her mouth. "What?" Coach was really confused a long with everyone else. "I think I have an idea. Ok on three we all say....together now and forever" "perfect" coach said. "Ready? One two three"
That year they led on to state champs! Alissa was the best captain on record. Alissa and Taylor ended up getting lacrosse scholarships to the same college and played all the way through. They had a lot of fun. And now after coach lea retired Taylor and Alissa are the coaches for all three teams and they love it every single day.
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